
I made another little game with my JS lib. On this one, you have to walk on rooms and reflect laser with your shild.
It was long time I want to make a game using reflection of vector, so I'm happy to publish it.
I hope you like it.

good luck, have fun.

discord (for everthing about little games I make): https://discord.gg/EwA9z33wgX

If you have any sugestion or proposition, don't esitate to send a comment.


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Please alow for either WASD or arrow keys for movement. I was really struggling with the current Q-left, D-right, S-down, Z-up controls. Thank you. I'd like to be able to finish the game but pushing around boxes with the current controls is too much of a chore.

I do like the little character.

Thanks, I forgot to change default input before upload it. it's corrected now.

That was so much better. Moving those boxes around is now possible. I did have to restart once because the first box made my character stuck, but getting back to that point wasn't so bad now that moving felt comfortable.

I take note for the boxs movement : I have not found a good math calcul for rotate the box in direction of player push it, so I rotate by one every frame the box are push. But if the rotate make an angle of box enter in geometry of player, it make it stuck on it (until the player move back on the next rotation let it free). Another solution is just make room more larg when a box need to passe, but for now the interuptor can only open one door, so I can't lock a box in a path of larger 2.
If you have any sugestion or idee (for a present mecanic or new one), I can try to apply it on game :>

For the box motion, one possibility could be to attach it to the player and so remove it as a physical object while held, just attach its rotation to the player (if that's possible, I use Godot, not what you're using). Another idea might be to simplify the box movement to have a move mode and a rotate mode so that it can move in straight lines but then be rotated when needed while stationary.

(1 edit)

based on your idee to split process push mode and rotate mode, I split by angle the player push for let a free space only pushing, and two other for rotate positif and negatif (also I check colision box and player when the box rotate). It seem work more correctly like this :D thanks.

edit: but move the white box in a correct angle for laser look more dificulte now x')